CLT Roots
Puerto Rico
South Africa
Terra Nostra Press
- A BOOST FOR COMMUNITY LAND CONTROLPenn Loh of Tufts University and Eliza Parad of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative talk about the launch of a new network in Boston to promote community control of development to serve community needs, such as limiting the loss of affordable housing to gentrification. Interview for BNN News.anemptytextlline04/20/2016English
- A COMMUNITY LAND TRUST FOR BURLINGTON, VERMONTA documentary about the Champlain Housing Trust produced by the Sanders Institute.anemptytextlline11/03/2021English
- ALBANY COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTThis video features the ACLT board president, homeowners, and a rental tenant — and covers their rent-to-own program.anemptytextlline12/11/2014English
- ARC OF JUSTICE: The Rise, Fall and Rebirth of a Beloved CommunityThe trailer for Arc of Justice, which traces the remarkable journey of New Communities, Inc. (NCI) in southwest Georgia, a story of racial justice, community organizing, and perseverance in the face of enormous obstacles.anemptytextlline2016English
- BERNIE SANDERSAn address by Senator Bernie Sanders as he accepts the 2010 Swann-Matthei Award from the National Community Land Trust Network.anemptytextlline2010English
- BK TALKS - BUILDING Together: Concepts and tools for shared futures.A video featuring Geert De Pauw (Brussels) and Michael LaFond (Berlin).anemptytextlline10/07/2021English
- BRENDA TORPYGeert De Pauw of the Brussels CLT interviews Brenda Torpy of the Champlain Housing Trust about her chapter in On Common Ground entitled "The Best Things in Life are Perpetually Affordable: Profile of the Champlain Housing Trust, Burlington, Vermont."anemptytextlline08/24/2020French
- BRUSSELS DONUT: Interview with Geert De Pauw of CLT Brusselsanemptytextlline06/16/2021French
- BUILDING HOMES THAT LAST: Community Land TrustsHabitat for Humanity, New York Cityanemptytextlline04/27/2017English
- CATHERINE HARRINGTONStephen Hill interviews Catherine Harrington, founding executive director of the National CLT Network (UK).anemptytextlline3/2/2021English
- CENTER FOR CLT INNOVATION PRESENTATION TO NDIFUNA UKWAZIJohn Davis, Maria Hernandez Torrales, and Gus Newport from the Center for CLT Innovation speak with the staff of Ndifuna Ukwazi (Cape Town, South Africa) about community land trusts.anemptytextllineFebruary 25, 2021English
- COMMON GROUND: An introduction to Community Land TrustsCommon Ground is a narrated slide show from the early 1980s that was developed and distributed by the Institute for Community Economics (ICE). It was one of the first descriptions of the community land trust to appear in any medium other than print.anemptytextlline08/1985English
- COMMUNITY LAND TRUST ROUNDTABLEThe Schumacher Center for a New Economics hosted a Community Land Trust Roundtable to highlight three practitioners tackling the problem of access to land in a unique way. The roundtable featured Tony Hernandez of Dudley Neighbors, Inc., Janelle Orsi of the Sustainable Economies Law Center (SELC), and Çaca Yvaire of Northeast Farmers of Color Land Trust (NEFOC). This conversation was moderated by Greg Watson, Director of Policy and Systems Design at the Schumacher Center.anemptytextlline2/18/2021English
- COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTS: Building the Homes that We Can AffordA production of the National CLT Network, UK.anemptytextlline02/02/2016English
- COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTS EXPLAINEDGrounded Solutions Network, US.anemptytextlline02/15/2019English
- COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTS IN A NUTSHELLA production of the National CLT Network (UK), showing various places and applications for the CLT.anemptytextlline06/28/2012English
- Connecting the Sustainable Favela NetworkA touching and inspirational 19-minute summary of our six-hour Sustainable Favela Network International Exchange with English subtitles.anemptytextlline12/14/2021Portuguese (English subtitles)
- CONVERSATORIO/PANEL: Los Fideicomisos Comunitarios de Tierra y los Valores que Aportan el Colectivo Humano Pro Bono Caño/CauceEste video presenta un conversatorio guiado por estudiantes del Pro-Bono Caño/CAUCE con representantes de los tres fideicomisos comunitarios de tierras que están creados en Puerto Rico hasta la fecha. Cada uno de estos Fideicomisos utiliza elementos comunes para cumplir con objetivos germanos, pero diferentes.anemptytextlline10/30/2020Spanish
- CRESCENT CITY CLT: Affordable Housing MattersA discussion with executive director Julius Kimbrough Jr.anemptytextlline12/21/2021English
- DAVID IRELAND AND JERRY MALDONADOMaría E. Hernández Torrales, of the Center for Community Land Trust Innovation, interviews David Ireland of World Habitat and Jerry Maldonado of the Ford Foundation about their contribution to On Common Ground.anemptytextlline10/15/2020
- EL FIDEICOMISO DE LA TIERRA DEL CANO MARTIN PENACaño Martín Peña CLT, San Juan, Puerto Rico.anemptytextlline11/15/2018Spanish
- EU POLICY CONFERENCE: CLTs - Building Common Ground Across EuropeAn online conference organized by the Sustainable Housing for Inclusive and Cohesive Cities Interreg North-West Europe project.anemptytextlline12/04/2020English
- EUROPEAN COMMUNITY LAND TRUST ROUNDABLEThe Schumacher Center hosted a Community Land Trust Roundtable with three European practitioners. The panelists were Tom Chance of the National CLT Network, Calum MacLeod of Community Land Scotland, and Geert de Pauw of Community Land Trust Brussels. The roundtable was moderated by Natasha Hulst, European Land Commons Program Director at the Schumacher Center.anemptytextlline3/18/2021English
- GAINING GROUND: Building Community on Dudley StreetThe trailer for Gaining Ground, a follow-up to the award-winning documentary Holding Ground (1996), shows how the Dudley Street neighborhood in Boston has managed to stem the tide against enormous odds.anemptytextlline2015English
- GEERT DE PAUWBrenda Torpy of the Champlain Housing Trust interviews Geert De Pauw of the Brussels CLT about his chapter in On Common Ground.anemptytextlline08/24/2020French
- GUS NEWPORTJohn Emmeus Davis of the Center for CLT Innovation interviews Gus Newport about his long involvement with the community land trust movement.anemptytextlline09/21/2020
- HOLDING GROUND: The Rebirth of Dudley StreetThe trailer for the story of the Dudley Street Neighborhood Initiative, which has gained international recognition for organizing residents to fight to close down illegal dumps, gain unprecedented control of land from City Hall and create a comprehensive plan to rebuild the fabric of their community.anemptytextlline1996English
- HOMES AND HANDS: Community Land Trusts in Actionhe trailer for the inspiring story of three communities that have found an empowering way to bring the American dream of owning a home to low-income residents.anemptytextlline2008English
- HOUSING LAND TRUST OF SONOMA COUNTY: A New Quality of LifeThis video features a public official talking about the Housing Land Trust, emphasizing employee/employer benefits of homeownership via the CLT. Several CLT residents are also featured.anemptytextlline2019English
- HOUSING LAND TRUST OF SONOMA COUNTY: Preserving Affordable HousingIt takes fewer resources for cities to preserve affordable housing than it does for them to create it in the first place -- especially with the resources and expertise of the Housing Land Trust of Sonoma County. This video explains why.anemptytextlline2018English
- HOUSTON COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTThe Houston Community Land Trust is guided by the belief that secure, quality, affordable homeownership is a foundation on which families build legacy and cultivate opportunity, both for themselves and for their community.anemptytextlline2020English
- ISLAND COMMUNITY TRUST ROUNDTABLEThe Schumacher Center for a New Economics hosted a virtual Community Land Trust Roundtable to highlight two practitioners tackling the problem of land access in island communities. The roundtable featured Sandy Bishop of Lopez Community Land Trust of Lopez Island in Washington and Philippe Jordi of Island Housing Trust on Martha’s Vineyard in Massachusetts.anemptytextlline4/30/2021English
- IT TAKES AN ISLAND: A Martha’s Vineyard StoryAbout the Island Housing Trust, in Martha's Vineyard, MA.anemptytextlline07/10/2018English
- LE COMMUNITY LAND TRUST BRUXELLOIS: Une terre partagée pour un habitat responsableÀ Bruxelles, les familles avec peu de revenus qui veulent se loger, découvrent rapidement deux réalités : un déficit important de logements sociaux et une augmentation très importante des prix du logement. Il reste alors pour ces familles deux possibilités : vivre dans un petit logement insalubre et cher ou quitter Bruxelles. Comment répondre à cette crise du logement ? Et comment éviter que les prix continuent à monter ? Plusieurs associations bruxelloises ont réfléchi à cette question et ont découvert, aux États-Unis, un système qui pourrait y apporter une réponse : les Community Land Trusts (CLT)....anemptytextlline05/16/2014French
- LE MILTON PARC DE DIMITRIOS: Promenade de JaneVidéo d’une visite guidée par Dimitri Roussopoulos.anemptytextlline08/31/2021French
- LEAH PENNIMAN: 38th Annual E. F. Schumacher LecturesOn Saturday, October 27th, Leah Penniman and Ed Whitfield delivered the 38th Annual E. F. Schumacher Lectures celebrating the 150th anniversary of the birth of W. E. B. Du Bois. The talks took place at Saint James Place in Great Barrington, Massachusetts.anemptytextlline10/27/2018English
- LIZ ALDEN WILEYLine Algoed of the Center for CLT Innovation interviews Liz Alden Wily about her chapter in "On Common Ground".anemptytextlline09/30/2020English
- LOGEMENT ABORDABLE: Lille lauréate du Regiostars 2020Avec Londres, Gand et Bruxelles, la Ville de Lille a obtenu le soutien de l’Europe en présentant un projet dans le cadre du programme européen Interreg Europe du Nord Ouest. Le projet SHICC : « Sustainable housing for inclusive and cohesive cities » (Du logement abordable pour des villes inclusives et cohésives). Le 14 octobre dernier, la Commission Européenne a distingué d’un REGIOSTARS 2020, le projet SHICC, finaliste dans la catégorie Développement urbain - Engagement des citoyens en faveur de la cohésion des villes européennes.anemptytextlline11/5/2020English, French subtitles
- MEET THE CO-EDITORS OF ON COMMON GROUNDContributing author (and CLT Center staff member) Dave Smith interviews the three co-editors of On Common Ground: Line Algoed, John Davis, and María E. Hernández-Torrales.anemptytextlline06/13/2020English
- NEIGHBORWORKS AMERICA: Shared Equity HomeownershipShared equity housing models are a specific type of housing strategy that create permanently affordable homes, build wealth for families and create vibrant, inclusive and equitable communities.anemptytextlline03/11/2021English
- NEW COMMUNITIES AND COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTS - in movements for Black lives, land and liberationThe LISC Institute hosted a conversation with Shirley Sherrod and community land trust (CLT) leaders from Baltimore, Houston, New York City, and Seattle, reflecting on how CLTs can help combat Black land loss and displacement, build community wealth, and strengthen community health and care, and the support needed to scale and sustain this work over multiple generations.anemptytextlline6/29/2021English
- O TERMO TERRITORIAL COLECTIVOO Termo Territorial Coletivo (TTC) é um projeto coordenado pela Comunidades Catalisadoras (ComCat) com o objetivo de implementar um piloto de Community Land Trust (CLT) no Brasil. No vídeo, a diretora executiva da ComCat, Theresa Williamson, a coordenadora do projeto do TTC, Tarcyla Fidalgo e o 2o secretário da comunidade do Trapicheiros, Ailton Lopes, refletem sobre alguns aspectos do projeto, destacando sua importância no momento atual brasileiro.anemptytextlline09/01/2020Portuguese
- PARKDALE NEIGHBOURHOOD LAND TRUSTParkdale Neighbourhood Land Trust (PNLT) is a community land trust (CLT) in Parkdale led by a group of residents and organizations trying to promote the social, cultural and economic diversity of Parkdale by redefining how land is used and developed. A CLT is a non profit organization that owns land on behalf of a community and puts it to use for community benefit. The PNLT is part of a broader set of initiatives under the umbrella of the Parkdale People’s Economy.anemptytextlline10/21/2015English
- PARTNERS AGAINST DISPLACEMENT: CLTs and Community DevelopmentIn this LISC webinar, panelists reflect on ways that partnerships between the community development and CLT sectors can help CLTs reach greater, and more sustainable, scale. Speakers from the Banana Kelly Community Improvement Association, the City of Lakes Community Land Trust, and the New Economy Project reflect on their own innovative initiatives to change public policy, grow CLTS, and build movement.anemptytextlline4/3/2019English
- POWER TO THE PEOPLE: Community Land Trusts and AnacostiaAt 2 minutes and 45 seconds into the video, Ground Solutions Network Executive Director Tony Pickett provides an excellent overview of the CLT model, as well as the roots of the CLT movement.anemptytextlline12/16/2016English
- PRIVATE SUFFICIENCY, PUBLIC LUXURY: Land is the Key to the Transformation of SocietyGeorge Monbiot delivered the 40th Annual E. F. Schumacher Lecture on October 25th. Titled Private Sufficiency, Public Luxury: Land is the Key to the Transformation of Society, the talk was followed by a question period hosted by Jodie Evans and joined by Greg Watson.anemptytextlline10/25/2020English
- ROOTS OF THE CLT - Chapter 1This chapter provides a general introduction to what has come to be known in the United States as the “classic CLT.” Described here are those characteristics of ownership, organization, and operation that distinguish the CLT from more familiar models of affordable housing and community development.anemptytextlline2013English
- ROOTS OF THE CLT - Chapter 2This chapter examines ideas, pioneers, and precedents behind the CLT’s distinctive approach to the OWNERSHIP of land and buildings. Explored here are the model’s roots in the single tax movement of Henry George, the Garden Cities of England, and various intentional communities in the United States inspired by Ralph Borsodi and Arthur Morgan.anemptytextlline2013English
- ROOTS OF THE CLT - CHAPTER 3This chapter introduces the people who put the “C” in the CLT, giving rise to the model’s distinctive approach to ORGANIZATION. Explored here are the model’s roots in the Civil Rights Movement in the American South and the Gramdan Movement in India, accompanied by profiles of the men and women behind the first CLT, New Communities Inc.anemptytextlline2013English
- ROOTS OF THE CLT - Chapter 4The final chapter traces the changing meaning of the “T” in CLT, as the OPERATION of community land trusts became increasingly focused in the 1980s on serving the poor, revitalizing urban neighborhoods, and preserving the affordability, condition, and security of resale-restricted, owner-occupied housing.anemptytextlline2013English
- SECURING LAND RIGHTS: Community Land Trusts in Informal SettlementsWorld Habitat presented a panel discussion on the role of the community land trust in securing land rights for residents of informal settlements. Panelists included: Mariolga Juliá Pacheco and Don José Caraballo, from the Caño Martín Peña CLT, Puerto Rico; Theresa Williamson, from the Favela CLT / Catalytic Communities, Brazil; and Khalid Hussain and Rabeya Rahman, from Community-Led Development of the Urdu-Speaking Bihari Camps, Bangladesh. The moderator was Line Algoed of the Center for CLT Innovation, and the host was Mariangela Veronesi of World Habitat.anemptytextlline10/28/2020English
- SHICC - CLT RESIDENT VOICESThe voices of residents of community land trust housing in England and Europe. Produced by SHICC.anemptytextlline09/28/21English, French
- STREETS OF DREAMS: Development Without Displacement in Communities of ColorThe trailer for Streets of Dreams, which tells the stories of grassroots activists in communities of color around the U.S. who are using CLTs to preserve the affordability of their homes, prevent displacement and shape the future of their communities.anemptytextlline2013English
- THE COMMUNITY LAND TRUSTLand trusts are innovative organizations that are part of the solution to housing challenges around the world. Here in British Columbia, the Community Land Trust helps protect and expand co-operative and non-profit housing. New homes are being built now in the City of Vancouver!anemptytextlline2017English
- TONY PICKETTGrounded Solutions Network Executive Director Tony Pickett talks with John Emmeus Davis about his chapter from On Common Ground, "The Burden of Patience in a Long March Toward Racial Justice."anemptytextlline07/03/2020English
- WHAT IS A COMMUNITY LAND TRUST? New Yorkers Are Owning Land for Economic EmpowermentWhat is a community land trust? Essentially, it is a way for residents to come together to own land in their neighborhoods, and to create permanent affordability of housing in their areas.anemptytextlline2017English
- WINONA LADUKE AND LEAH PENNIMAN IN CONVERSATIONJodie Evans moderated a conversation between Winona LaDuke and Leah Penniman on October 8, 2020 as part of the Schumacher Conversation series.anemptytextlline10/8/2020English
- WORLD HABITAT AWARD 2015: Caño Martín Peña CLT / Fideicomiso de la Tierraanemptytextlline02/29/2016Spanish