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"Panel Discussion on Using CLTs to Deliver Energy Renovation and Permanent Affordability to Existing Housing"

As a follow up to the September webinar, join us and our previous webinar presenters for an hour-long panel discussion where we will continue to build on last month’s case studies working with non-CLT homeowners to upgrade their homes and stabilize their tenure while bringing them into the community land trust.

In our last webinar, we saw presentations from Virginie Schoëff (CLTB) and Jeanne Mosseray (VUB) regarding the Upcycling Trust Partnership—a collaboration between five European CLTs and local authorities—and Staci Horwitz regarding Project Sustained Legacy from the City of Lakes CLT in Minneapolis. This discussion will provide the you with insights and actionable takeaways on how CLTs are approaching working with, educating, and organizing with non-CLT homeowners to stabilize tenure, bring circular and sustainable upgrades to their homes, while bringing them into a CLT. Interpretation in English and French will be available in this session.

CLTs in the News

Book cover for Reweaving the Tapestry of Tenure
Community Matters book cover
On Common Ground Book Cover
Book cover for CLTs in Global South
Book cover for CLTs in Urban Neighborhoods
Book cover for En torreno comun
Book cover of Impactful Development
La inseguridad de la tenencia de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe book cover
Porque el fideicomiso book cover
The Growth of Community Land Trusts CLTs in England and Europe
Why the CLT book cover

Subscribe to the CLT Center

The International Center for Community Land Trusts (formerly the Center for CLT Innovation) is a not-for-profit nongovernmental organization established in 2018 to promote and to support community land trusts and similar strategies of community-led development on community-owned land in countries throughout the world.

The Center provides the following services: (a) collecting and curating historical materials documenting the origins and evolution of the worldwide CLT movement; (b) conducting, cataloging, and disseminating academic and non-academic research; (c) producing case studies, directories, guides, and other educational materials; and (d) providing training, referral, and technical assistance for organizers and practitioners working with CLTs and similar strategies for the equitable and sustainable development of place-based communities.

The Center publishes books and monographs under its trademarked imprint: Terra Nostra Press.