CLT Events Calendar

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CLT CENTER EVENT: Land Reform in Scotland

Zoom Webinar

Join us for a discussion on Scottish Land Reform and the land reform agenda’s ties to community-led housing and community empowerment. The session will include presentations from the Scottish Land Commission, Community Land Scotland, and Wigtown & Bladnoch Community Initiative, followed by Q&A. This one-hour webinar will provide a lively conversation on Land Reform and community ownership in Scotland (and beyond), with input from policy experts, community members, and community-led housing practitioners.


Gespreksnamiddag CLT’s wereldwijd

Lokaal Dienstencentrum De Waterspiegel Gent, Belgium

Enkele weken na de eerste steenlegging van CLT Gent en CLT Vlaanderen hebben we het genoegen twee prominente gasten te mogen ontvangen, ter ere van de Wereld CLT-dag.

De impact van het CLT-model – leren van internationale succesverhalen

Provinciehuis Leuven Leuven, Belgium

We nodigen u graag samen met Oikos uit om toe te lichten welke diverse toepassingen er zijn voor het CLT-model. Vorige keer kwamen er vooral Belgische CLT's aan bod. Deze keer gaan we buiten de landsgrenzen en staan er boeiende internationale sprekers op het programma om het CLT model toe te lichten op basis van bijzonder […]


New Paths for Building Sustainable Cities: the potential for collective land management based on the CLT

Zoom Webinar

The event brings together international experts on the subject, with a focus on practices rooted in the Global South, in order to debate the potential of the model for the construction of more sustainable cities in line with the SDG 11 of the New Urban Agenda. It is part of the Urban October 2022, a UN-Habitat initiative for the dissemination of events that explore topics such as the right to housing and the city.


Taking Land Off the Market to Make the City Affordable

Perspective.Brussels Rue de Namur 59 Naamsestraat, B-1000, Brussels, Belgium

Couldn’t a solution to the housing crisis be to take housing and land off the market, so that it cannot be speculated on and remains affordable forever? Community Land Trusts are already doing this in cities around the world. How can this be scaled up? What is the potential for Brussels?


La grande fête du CLTB

La rue de l'Indépendance en fête 14H-18H - RUE DE L'INDÉPENDANCE 15, 1080 MOLENBEEK Brocante, animations de rue avec l’asbl Remorquables et animations pour les enfants. Activités organisées par La Rue asbl et les habitants. Balades guidées à pied ou à vélo 14H - DÉPART ET ARRIVÉE RUE DE L'INDÉPENDANCE 15, 1080 MOLENBEEK Une balade à pied à […]

Workshop und Jahresfeier Stadtbodenstiftung Berlin

Biergarten Jockel Ratiborstraße 14c, Germany

Zeitgleich zum Welt-CLT-Tag findet die Jahresfeier der Stadtbodenstiftung in Berlin statt. Nachmittags von 16:00-17:30 Uhr laden wir zu einem informellen Workshop zum Stiftungskomitee ein. Wir möchten das diesjährige Motto des Welt-CLT-Tags – Community Matters – zum Anlass nehmen, um uns mit Interessierten über den Aufbau unseres Basisorgans, dem Stiftungskomitee, auszutauschen. Das Stiftungskomitee ist für alle […]

Toronto CLT Movement: Housing Justice, Racial Equity and Economic Democracy

St. Mark's Church 201 Cowan Ave, Toronto, Canada

What: Housing Justice, Racial Equity and Economic Democracy When: Fri, 4 November 2022, 6:30 PM – 8:30 PM EDT Where: St. Mark's Church, 201 Cowan Avenue, Toronto, ON If you are attending #ACSP Conference – you can get to the site from Hilton Toronto by taking the 501 Queen Street streetcar. How Much: FREE Toronto […]

CLT CENTER EVENT: Book Launch for Community Matters

Zoom Webinar

Please join us in celebrating the publication of the latest book from Terra Nostra Press, Community Matters. This webinar will bring together CLT practitioners from Boston, Brussels, London, Houston, and San Juan whose perspectives on community organizing and resident engagement are featured in the book.


Land Trusts and Community-Based Agriculture

Zoom Webinar

Join us on Tuesday March 14th for a webinar on community-based agriculture. You will hear from leading land trust practitioners leading innovative agricultural programs -- with a discussion to follow. The event is free of charge -- and all are welcome!


Using CLTs to Deliver Energy Renovation and Permanent Affordability to Existing Housing

Join us on 25 September 2024 for a webinar about how CLTs can be used to deliver energy renovation and permanent affordability to existing housing. You will hear from leading CLT practitioners leading innovative approaches to energy renovation to existing housing with a discussion to follow. The event is free of charge and all are welcome!

Panel Discussion on Using CLTs to Deliver Energy Renovation and Permanent Affordability to Existing Housing

Zoom Webinar

  WEBINAR DESCRIPTION As a follow up to the September webinar, join us and our previous webinar presenters for an hour-long panel discussion where we will continue to build on last month's case studies working with non-CLT homeowners to upgrade their homes and stabilize their tenure while bringing them into the community land trust. As […]