Troy Gardens Case Study Archive
This archive was created in 2007, as part of a case study project between the Lincoln Institute of Land Policy and the National Community Land Trust Academy. These materials document the development of Troy Gardens, a mixed-use project of the Madison Area Community Land Trust that began in 2001 and was completed in 2007, which combined a working community supported agriculture (CSA) farm, community gardens, a restored prairie, and a 30-unit mixed-income cohousing community. This project was selected by the Lincoln Institute because it illustrates (a) the flexibility of the CLT model in accommodating a wide variety of land uses, and (b) the effectiveness of community-based planning approaches. The lead developer of Troy Gardens, Greg Rosenberg, is always happy to answer questions about the project, and can be reached at
Livable Communities Award (AARP-NAHB)
Home Depot Foundation Award
Document Archive
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