In the News
- "Reviews - On Common Ground", Jeffrey Lowe, Journal of the American Planning Association, November 24, 2021
- “We Hide behind the Tomatoes: A Review of On Common Ground", Elias Crim, Front Porch Republic, August 9, 2021
- María E. Hernández Torrales, of the Center for Community Land Trust Innovation, interviews David Ireland of World Habitat and Jerry Maldonado of the Ford Foundation about their contribution to On Common Ground, October 15, 2020
- Perspectives on the Community Land Trust: An interview with John Emmeus Davis, Line Algoed, and María E. Hernández-Torrales, by James Tracy, Shelterforce Magazine, October 14, 2020
- "Community Land Trusts: The True 'Social Housing'", Randy Shaw, Beyond Chron, October 13, 2020
- "Una mirada a los Fideicomisos de la Tierra", Cándida Cotto, Claridad, August 2020 (Spanish)
- "Community Land Trusts: Creating Housing Opportunities for the Common Good", interview with author Brenda Torpy, NeighborWorks America, July 2020
- "Livro reúne coletânea de artigos sobre experiências de implementação do 'Termo Territorial Coletivo'", Observatório das Metrópoles, July 2, 2020 (Portuguese)
- "On Common Ground: International Perspectives on the Community Land Trust", Thomas Hanna, Democracy Collaborative, July 21, 2020
- "New Book Exploring the Growth of the Community Land Trust Movement", World Habitat, July 1, 2020
- "Partner Spotlight of the Month: John Emmeus Davis": John Emmeus Davis, Urban Land Conservancy, July 2, 2020
Excerpts from Reviews of On Common Ground
"Overall, the editors masterfully compile original essays into a persuasive argument for solving the international land rights and housing crisis. On Common Ground resoundingly demonstrates the transformative possibilities that CLTs can produce across the globe when community organizing, operation, and ownership of land connects and expands. Given the target audience includes those working in housing and community development, community organizing, and policy analysis, positions many planners hold or engage, I highly recommend this book to planning professionals and academicians alike."
Jeffrey S. Lowe, Journal of the American Planning Association
“On Common Ground is an essential read for those interested in addressing the affordable housing crisis, which will continue to be exacerbated by the negative economic impacts of COVID-19. Due to a long and painful history of institutional racism and the lack of responsive action by many elected leaders, home ownership and quality rental housing have historically been denied to persons of color. The book examines the growth of the community land trust (CLT) model and how it has adapted in urban and rural environments, offering readers a thoughtful and empathetic overview of how to start and scale a CLT to ensure that affordable housing incorporates its residents. The book leaves readers with a sense of hope for the future and practical ways in which this model can be built and sustained.”
Robert Burns, Senior Vice President, CitiBank, and Board President of Grounded Solutions Network
"Around the world, the COVID-19 pandemic and its economic effects threaten to exacerbate already severe inequities, especially with regards to the ownership, access, and control of land and housing. In the United States, as eviction moratoriums in many states and localities come to an end and jobs remain scarce, experts are predicting a possibly unprecedented wave of displacement and homelessness. Against this bleak backdrop, a new book offers a ray of hope. On Common Ground, edited by John Emmeus Davis, Line Algoed, and María Hernández-Torrales, documents how interest in one of the more exciting new economic models to emerge in recent decades, the Community Land Trust (CLT), is spreading around the world."
Thomas Hanna, Research Director, Democracy Collaborative