Terra Nostra Press

Terra Nostra Press logoAn imprint of the International Center for Community Land Trusts, Terra Nostra Press publishes books, monographs, and manuals in support of the Center’s work. These publications showcase the theory and practice of community land trusts, along with the stories of reflective practitioners from around the world who are laying the foundation for an international CLT movement. Related topics include: garden cities, community-led development, permanently affordable housing, cooperative ownership of land, housing, and enterprises, urban agriculture, neighborhood revitalization, reclaiming the commons, and sustainable development.


En terreno común: Perspectivas internacionales sobre los fideicomisos comunitarios de tierras

En terreno comun book coverLos veintiséis capítulos contenidos en este libro se enfocan en la descripción de las condiciones, organización, y políticas que dieron lugar a la creación de un fideicomiso comunitario de tierras tanto en el escenario urbano como rural.


On Common Ground: International Perspectives on the Community Land Trust

On Common Ground Book CoverA collection of twenty-six original essays, written by forty-two scholars and practitioners from a dozen countries, tracing the growth and diversification of the international community land trust movement.


Why Community Land Trusts?

Why the CLT book coverWhy Community Land Trusts:  The Philosophy Behind an Unconventional Form of Tenure, is the second in our monograph series, with six essays exploring various  justifications for the community land trust.


Impactful Development and Community Empowerment

Book cover of Impactful DevelopmentImpactful Development and Community Empowerment is the fourth in our monograph series, with seven essays exploring the debate between going to scale versus giving power and voice to the community served by a CLT.


Community Land Trusts and Informal Settlements in the Global South

Book cover for CLTs in Global SouthCommunity Land Trusts and Informal Settlements in the Global South is the fifth in our monograph series, with seven essays exploring the growth of CLTs in the Global South.


Reweaving the Tapestry of Tenure

Book cover for Reweaving the Tapestry of TenureReweaving the Tapestry of Tenure: Eight Elders of the CLT Movement Who Championed Community Ownership of Land is the second of our interview series of publications.


Community Matters

Book cover for Community MattersCommunity Matters: Conversations with Reflective Practitioners about the Value and Variety of Resident Engagement in Community Land Trusts is the first in our interview series of publications, featuring leading CLT practitioners from around the globe.


The Growth of Community Land Trusts in England and Europe

Book cover of CLTs in UK and EuropeFive essays focusing on the growth of local organizations, national networks, and cross-national communication among community land trusts in England and Europe. 


¿ Porqué el fideicomiso comunitario de tierras ?

Porque el fideicomiso book coverEs un análisis de la filosofía detrás de este acercamiento no convencional de la tenencia de la tierra. Se exploran razones de carácter ético, político y práctico para la creación de un fideicomiso comunitario de tierras.


La inseguridad de la tenencia de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe

La inseguridad de la tenencia de la tierra en América Latina y el Caribe book coverThe first volume in Terra Nostra Press monograph series—and the first of several that will be translated into Spanish. Its thematic focus is the pernicious problem of land tenure insecurity in Latin America and the Caribbean.


CLT Applications in Urban Neighborhoods

Book cover for CLTs in Urban NeighborhoodsCommunity Land Trust Applications in Urban Neighborhoods, is the third in our monograph series, with eight essays exploring various applications of the CLT model in urban settings.